23 February 2009

seize the cake: The Return

After a lengthy hiatus from the interwebz (personal crises, no web access in the home and self-imposed blogging moratorium at the day job necessitated the break), I'm back! Didja miss me?

I know I missed the blog. Between the Bacon Explosion, Maple-Bacon Buttercream, and Candied Bacon, I feel like I've missed a lot. And that's just where the New York Times' Dining section and the awesomeness that is bacon intersect! Imagine what else may have gone unblogged! (Okay, no imagining necessary: I made a version of this bacon brittle and the photo below is the only evidence I've got of the process -- bad blogger!)

Well, the cake demands to be seized! Check back very soon for some killer cookies and yummy cupcakes. You couldn't keep me away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you back!