18 August 2009

Cool cakes

Been back in hiatus-land while I wait for my trusty Mac Guru to fix the ol' lappy -- which I thought had happened, but sadly, was only temporary. Thanks for all your help, James. While I continue lusting after a working compubox (new or used, just working would be nice), I'm going back into general blog shut-down mode. In the meantime, have fun with these crazy cakes!

First up: Geek Cakes & Cookies from BCakeNY. Here's their iPhone cake, which is pretty boss:

And second, the Threadless Threadcake winners are all pictured here. My personal favorite is the third runner-up, The Red Cake:

Dang, now I'm hungry. Good thing it's a coworker's birthday -- I wore my cake shirt today and everything.

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